In the world of domestic violence there are often people who know about the oppression of friends and family but remain silent. It is easy for these bystanders to remain passive and think it is out of their realm of power to intervene. Yet studies show that passive bystanders can often help dramatically to prevent and eradicate domestic violence cases when they become active helpers.
Sometime it's the little things that can help. A simple message can go a long way. This campaign attempts to educate passive bystanders that they are not powerless. In fact it is important for them to check in with their friends and stand up to domestic abuse.
Video content
This video was made to be promoted across social media as a reminder that checking in on your friends is an important duty you have for the people you care about. The jarring short video presents the often neglected view that domestic violence can come from any home, at any age, across all professions and career paths.
Beer box

Our beer box advertising hits the TA when the chances of domestic violence are at their highest, while consuming alcohol. This box has a two fold effect targeting two different people.
The primary target are the passive bystanders. This print informs TA 1 of ways to help people they know are victims of domestic violence with phone numbers of helplines and our slogan for the campaign "Check in. Stand up"
Secondly, this is a reminder to those who practice domestic violence that there are people watching and their is always a way for the victims to reach out. Alternatively, this number is also a helpline for abusers to call of they wish to cahnge their ways and work through the issues they face.
OOH Media

Our out of home media reaches the audience through ambient advertising. This construction site fencing wrap will target people who are going for their daily walks. During the COVID lockdown, casual walking during the allocated 1 hour exercise time has increased dramatically.
This startling dialogue will show the walkers an insight into domestic violence. If you know something is wrong, you must check in with your friends and stand up to domestic violence.
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