Quick Briefs
Thoughts, ideas, skamps. All chucked into one page of creative thinking. Connect the dots and pick at the kaleidoscope of ideas that make up my collection of quick briefs.

Body Shop
Japan's work culture holds career success as one of the most important values. Although women are seen primarily as housewives it's hard to miss the success they have brought to Japan
This ad shows distorted Japanese figures to display that gender should not be the focus of success
Nissan Leaf
People have warped views on how far an e-car can run from one charge.
The Nissan Leaf can actually travel 300km on one charge. This execution puts into perspective how far 300km really is

Women struggle to find bras that really fit. Often with larger breasts comes a greater difficulty in finding a bra that both fits AND looks nice
Show that it is a common issue and there is an option for women with larger breasts to get properly fitted in a bra that is both comfortable and stylish

Tik Tok - activation
Food videos are addictive to watch but might not be taken home to re-create
This activation is a two step approach. The first activation is in local supermarkets where we will show Tiktok videos above the ingredients ready for purchase underneath. This is then backed by the Tiktok food van that will be stationed at all popular summer destinations. The van will cooking popular TikTok foods seen on the screens above the van

Adidas has a new partnership with Parlay that is aimed at removing plastic from the oceans and into shoes. Although this is already seen as a great idea, the public don't have a perspective on how much this can help
Visualise the impact Adidas & Parlay have on cleaning the ocean by creating a shoe out of the famous Trash Island (The Great Pacific Garbage Patch)
Covid Safe
People in lockdown are frustrated and feel claustrophobic indoors.
Show the public that there are still options to make lockdown fun again. All the fun things that people have been craving can be brought inside without the hassle of dressing up and leaving the home